Can Non-Writers Succeed in the World of Blogging?

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When I started my blog, The Byas Life I was an already established SEO extraordinaire. However, if you are not like myself who has over 10 years in the business; starting a blog can be a daunting task. A common question I see plaguing many blogging communities is, “Can non-writers succeed in the world of blogging?”

The short answer is no. No, you do not have to be a writer or perfect. I will show how you can start a blog if you don’t have any writing experience and how easy it can be done.

DO I need to be a writer to have a successful blog?

It’s Your Brand

Your blog will be your brand. Point. Blank. Period. One thing they say about brands is you can make it into whatever you want. If you’re not the type to have long-form content like I do; that’s okay!

You get to make up your own content. It can be long-form. You can be some writing and some memes. It can be some writing and some videos. However, prior to starting a blog/brand, I do recommend you read my post on 8 things you should know prior to starting. This will help you out tremendously on making sure you have all the steps in place to make your brand cohesive. 

You’ll Gain Experience In Writing

A thing that everyone tends to forget is you’ll gain experience. If you are not a professional writer like myself, that doesn’t mean you cannot learn. For instance, writing for the internet is different than writing an academic paper in school.

It’s a more relaxed to be honest. You can convey your personal feelings. You can use the words “You, I, Me, My” You can make this very personal where the reader feels like you are sitting down talking to him or her.

But regardless you have to start somewhere. And like I said before, it’s your brand. You get to decide the content you bring and how you bring it to your audience. At the end of the day, your audience is here for you!

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Do I have to be a writer to start a blog

Writing Headings

Headings is something a lot of us bloggers use. This helps when a reader lands on your page and they can easily skim the post. For instance, when you landed on this page, you see my headings rather quickly. That’s the goal. It’s sections of content.

According to Times Magazine, readers will only stay on a page for 15 seconds. So, within that 15 seconds you need to make it count and use headings to lead your reader to the part of the content they are looking for. 

Using Graphics

Another tip or trick, if you want to call it is to use graphics. This could be photos you’ve taken, stock images, memes, and gifs even. We are in an era where people want to see it. They want to view things. They don’t want walls of text. This definitely helps, if you are just starting out and you don’t feel as confident as others do in their writing work. Fill your content with images. I promise you it will help attract readers. 

Do I have to be a writer to start a blog, keyboard


I briefly mentioned in my 8 things you should know prior to starting a blog post that there is more than just writing. Which I still stand by because there’s a little thing called SEO. While we won’t go in-depth into SEO here, but we will at a later time.

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. This is where you’ll do keyword research and those keywords will need to be in your content to rank on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

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You Can Use An Editor Software

If you still do not believe me, you’ll gain experience if you are a perfectionist. You can always use editing software. This is where Grammarly comes in. Grammarly is an editing software that will help edit your content.

If money is an issue at the moment, you can always use their free plan. However, if you’d like to splurge and have the full editing software, it’s only $30 a month. They do offer an annual plan, but if you’d like to have that plan, you’d need to pay for the year upfront.

I highly recommend using Grammarly. It is a great tool to have on your blogging journey.

You Can Even Use AI

I may get flack for this, but if you cannot write to save your life. You can use AI, such as ChatGPT. However, in order for AI to work to your advantage, you would need to edit this content. As a non-writer wanting to succeed in the world of blogging, there’s more than just writing you need to partake in. Please, do not post exactly what AI gives you.

Why do you ask?

Because it’s very rudimentary. It’s basic. Most people can tell you used AI to write your content. It is what Google would classify as thin content. There is no human experience. It’s just regurgitated information that is found all over the web. 


Plus, keep in mind that AI doesn’t always give the correct information. You need to fact-check your work. If you want to become a credible source in your niche, you need to only give out fact-check information. 

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While I personally wouldn’t want to use AI for all of my content, I can see the pros of using AI, if it is done correctly. 

Need More Tips on Getting Started On Blogging?

Now that we’ve delved into the question of “Can non-writers succeed in the world of blogging?”, you have only just cleared the first hurdle. The next challenge is selecting the ideal hosting plan for your blog. Whether you’re deciding to use a free platform like Medium or Hubpages, or weighing the options between and, every decision counts. I strongly urge you to bookmark each of these links for an in-depth review. I provide comprehensive insights into all the crucial aspects, equipping you with the knowledge needed to make the absolute best decision for both you and your visionary blog. Don’t miss out on these invaluable insights – bookmark the links now!

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About Me

Amanda Byas

I am a crazy cat mom, who loves Florida, theme parks, crafting, working from home, and saving money!

Amanda Byas