Tag: financial freedom

  • Unveiling the Secrets to Saving Money on Groceries with Instacart

    A little while ago, I talked about how I spend $400 a month on groceries as a single individual, primarily relying on Instacart for my shopping needs. Determined to find a solution and stretch my budget further, I embarked on a mission to uncover tips and tricks to save money on groceries with Instacart. Today,…

  • 5 Financial Mistakes to Leave Behind in 2022

    Happy New Year! It’s a new year, new you type of event, right? On your list, you decided to be more financially responsible. However, you don’t know where to start. You have crippling debt, live paycheck to paycheck, and can’t escape this hole. Here are the top 5 financial mistakes to leave behind in 2022!…